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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Victorian #4: Dialogue

Another literary element is dialogue. Which is represented throughout the ENTIRE book! It was even on the first page. The author uses dialogue to express how the characters talk, their personalities, feelings and the story.

"The garden in which stands my humble abode is seperated only by a lane from Rosings Park, her ladyship's residence." (Page 50)

Victorian #3: Realism in Fiction

The historical context in this book, is almost the entire book! But one way its realistic is the family relationships, like how Mr. Bennet and Elizabeth are so close. How she turned down a proposal in order to keep her relationship with her father. There are some fathers who do not like their daughters boyfriends, fiances, or husbands. And that would have been the case for Elizabeth and Mr. Collins. Although, he only did that to annoy his wife, he still told Elizabeth to choose over him and Mr. Collins. Elizabeth loved her father so much, she chose him. (Chapters19-21) If my father and I got closer, I would most likely do the same as Elizabeth.

Victorian #2: A Relationship

One relationship in this book, is the one between Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet. They are married with four daughters. This relationship is important because they are the parents of some of the main characters. If it wasn't for this relationship then they would not have met Mr. Bengley. This relationship is significant because if I was in Mr. Bennet's place, I would not want to be with a woman that talks too much and who wants to force her daughters into something that would just get her more money. Mr. Bennet really must love her to put up with that!  (All chapters. Or just Chapter 1 and 2.)

Literary Element: Conflict

"I see no occasion for that. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves." (Page 2)
The opening of the book Pride and Prejudice has a few literary elements, but one in particular is conflict. When Mrs. Bennet talks to her husband about Mr. Bingley and their daughters. She was trying to get her husband to take their daughters to meet Mr. Bingley because he is rich and in the hopes of Mr. Bingley choosing to fall in love and marry one of their daughters. But Mr. Bennet  had the tone that made it seem like he was oppose to his wife's wishes.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Henry Clerval- Ch.23-24

Ugh, that ugly, bizarre, CREATURE! Now he knows that he should be ashamed for killing Elizabeth! Then causing his father's death!!! Then he has the audacity to torture, mock and taunt my friend! Why does this creature have to be so hateful? Why couldn't Victor just take responsibility for his actions? Why couldn't plan things out before he takes action? He was always the risky explorer, that took the risks without thinking them through. When I pictured the trouble he was in, I never imagined this! This Creature he created taking his anger out on innocent people. Now Victor is so obsessed with killing the it, that it is eating him from his core. I really have nothing to say. There aren't enough words in the world to describe this situation. I am so frustrated, confused and agitated!

-Henry C.

Henry. Ch.21-22

After my death, the "THING" dumped my body in a boat. (I rathered him not, but obviously I could not even influence him). Then when my body was finally discovered, they accused somebody who should be the very LAST person accused. No He should not even have been on the list of possibles. How could my own best friend kill me? That is just absurd! What motive would Victor have? UNLIKE  the Victor the "THING" actually had a motive. He wanted revenge by taking Victor's loved ones. Now all Henry has is Elizabeth and Alphonse to keep him company, and try to console him.

-Henry C.

Henry. My Death and Discovery.

I finally saw what Victor has been hiding from me!  I remember him telling me a little bout it, but it was so bizarre and he was only mumbling! Now I know I should have stayed with him no matter what! Now I know that I should have listened more carefully. 'Cause now, I am dead. All I remember is that, I was standing on land, glazing among the horizon and thinking about my friend Victor. Then all of a sudden, I feel cold hands around my neck!! I tried to resist and get him off of me, but the "THING" kept his grip. Then he lifted me off the ground (he was pretty strong, obviously) and tightened his grip. Then I just felt my self get lighter and weaker, lighter and weaker, lighter and weaker; until finally I could not see anything. But strangely I could still hear him talk. All he kept repeating is, "He drove me too it. He deserved it. He did not help me. He deserted me." Then I started thinking, and thats when everything clicked into my head. All those times Victor was talking about creating something, then he started acting all paranoid and jittery. Then the random unexpected death of William. It all came to me. Finally. Now its too late.

-Henry C.

Henry. The Trip.

Well my plan to get Victor talking didn't work. I would get frustrated, but I know him well enough to know that I have to be patient. But he really is frustrating me. I really wish he would trust me enough to tell me whats been eating at him in the inside. Other than that Europe is BEAUTIFUL! Theres not one single part of it, that I dislike. Then one day during the trip, Victor broke my heart by saying that he wants to go off by himself and that he'll meet me later on. I was hoping that we'll spend the entire trip together, but I guess we're going to talk later on... Until next time.

-Henry C.

Monday, November 15, 2010

How I feel. Ch. 13-18

I have already explained over and over on how I feel about my dear friend Henry. There is really no other way to explain it. I guess I can say that I feel his pain inside of me whenever I see it on his face. I have missed him so much. On the trip he did not talk as much as I would have liked him too. He let me do all the talking. I saw him smile a few times. Which warmed my heart but I still saw something distant in his eyes. Like he was always in deep thought. Then every other minute he would jerk up like he just had a horrible day dream. He is so jittery you would think that he has gotten electricuted. Although as far as I know that could have happened. He won't tell me much. Its like he's scared of what I might think or what my reaction will be... if only he knew that no matter what I would never judge him. I'll just tell him, that he needs to do the right thing. /=

                                                             -Henry C.

The Trip Ch. 18

I am so ecstatic!! Its unbelievable that the plans are actually official! I am going to England with my best friend!! We plan on meeting up in Germany then riding to England together! I can't wait, I heard that its BEAUTIFUL up there! And I can take this opportunity to talk to Victor and try to figure out what has been going on with him. I know that its more than just mourning over his baby brother and Justine. Its way deeper than that. Something messed with his mind. Something has scarred him, and its going to take longer than I thought to try and help him heal his emotional wounds. All I am going to do is listen to whatever he has to say, I'm not going to try and force it out of him. I know that, that will not help him. I know him well enough to say that you have to be patient with him and to not push it. I feel like he just needs a friend and that , that's how he got into this whole mess. He was lonely, and was trying to fix that. I just wish that he would have known that, that all he had to do was write me and I would have been by his side! I wish that he knew that he could count on me for anything. Ugh, I just hope that i can show him that during this trip. WISH ME LUCK!

The Plans

Okay so Victor's father just asked me to accompany Victor on a trip to England. He also said that Elizabeth would also like me to go. Since William and Justine died and Victor has been severely depressed lately, none of us wants him to be alone. I said that I would be glad to go with him, and that I won't let him out of my sight. They also informed me that Victor has yet again postponed the plans for his and Elizabeth's marriage. Which I know that he knows that, that marriage is expected to happen sooner or later. I wonder why England though? Anyways, I assured Alphonse and Elizabeth that Victor is in great hands and to not worry. I Will always be by his side.  I just have to talk to Victor about it, and tell him that I would love to come visit him and catch up. I miss him and want to help him with whatever he needs.

                                                                      -Henry C.

What Henry feels. Ch. 13-15

My friend Victor has been greatly distant these last few months. I am very worried and scared for him. Last I heard, he was working on his science project. Then when William died he got even worse. Which I have to add that I have a great amount of sympathy for the entire family. I feel so horrible, I feel so disgusted with myself that I wasn't around and there for them. But back to Victor; he didn't even talk. I tried to talk to Elizabeth and Victor's dad, but neither one of them know anything. I have a nasty feeling that Victor has gotten himself in deep trouble with his whole science thing. Whenever I go see him I'm going to try and get him to spill, because I know whatever he has gotten himself in to isn't good. (Obviously) He is not as bright and outgoing as he used to be. Now he is just so depressing and moody. I know him well enough to know that he is being influenced by something else. Well I plan on visiting him soon, so I guess I'll keep you in touch.
                                                                    -Henry C.

Henry Clerval- Ch.7-9

  Hello there, my name is Henry Clerval. I grew up with Elizabeth and Victor. We were all childhood bestfriends. We had the kind of friendship that lasts a lifetime. I was there for Victor, whenever he needed a friend. Even though I wasn't around, I know that William died. I feel so horrible about it. I plan on visiting Victor and the rest of the family, but I just don't know when. We haven't seen each other in ages. I can tell by Victor's letters that he has changed. All I know is that he was planning on inventing a body or something. Whatever is going on over there, it is not good. He disappeared for awhile, then he started writing to me again. Well I'll keep you posted on whats going on. I sure hope that I can help my bestfriend through this rough time.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What is Henry thinking? Ch. 7-12

Okay so we all know that Henry knows about William, Elizabeth and Justine; but do we know what he is thinking and feeling? I think I do. He was Victors best friend so he probably had loads of sympathy. I know if my best friend's little brother died I would Call, write or visit as soon as I can! So why wasn't Henry in these chapters? Anyways, he was probably thinking, "Why wasn't I there? When can I go visit? Is Victor and Elizabeth okay?" Considering that this story takes place in the 1800s and there wasn't a telephone, he could of at least written to Victor and his family. I sure would have! Dang, skip writing I would have visited and tried to help with the grieving!